About Me

My photo
My name is Lisa Silva and I just graduated UNF with my BFA in Photography.... I'm ready to take on the wedding and fashion industry full force!!! I've been involved in photography for over 11 years now. I love shooting couples, families, models, weddings, and events! My absolute favorite genre of photography is fashion and I try to incorporate it into all of my work. I love every aspect of it, from choosing the wardrobe and setting, to doing the model's makeup. I love art in all forms and I try to bring a taste of fashion and fine art into every portrait I take. But enough about me... I wanna hear about you!!! I would love to work with you to bring your vision to life... whether it be capturing all the love and emotion on your wedding day, taking pictures of your children or family, documenting your pregnancy, doing some sexy shots for your significant other.... or just unleashing your inner diva and doing a fashion shoot! The lab I work with offers amazing products... everything from wedding albums, to comp cards, to wall art, or regular prints with great quality! I look forward to meeting you and helping your vision come to life!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sunrise Shoot with Lindsey

Like I have previously said, I am not a morning person and the only way I will get up early is for amazing photos. Lindsey is a beautiful young model (and aspiring photographer as well!) The early morning light really made her pictures extra gorgeous... so I guess I can't complain too much.... and yes, I made her hair pink in a few of them.... what can I say? I love photoshop...


  1. Wow simply beautiful. The lighting is absolutely superb.

  2. thank you :) early morning light really is the best :)

  3. What kind of camera do you use? :) I would love to pursue a career in photography. More so freelance/landscape though than commercial.



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